Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pearl Pasta Salad

Ahh summertime side dish searching.. what to make, what to make, what to make! 


Pearl pasta salad is a fun twist on a traditional pasta salad with a fresh crisp taste that keeps you coming back for more. I love having it in the fridge to have for a perfect side to a lot of our meals. Ready to go and so fitting for this time of the year! Perfect for 4th of july cookouts coming up!

Give it a try!

Pearl Pasta Salad

1 Box pearl pasta (Acini De Pipi)
1/2 Purple onion chopped
1 Bunch cilantro chopped
1 Cucumber chopped in small pieces
1 Packet italian dressing seasoning
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/4 Cup lemon juice
Dash of sea salt & pepper!

Boil your pearl pasta. Once cooked drain and rinse with cold water to cool pasta. Once cooled add chopped onion, cilantro & cucumber. In a separate bowl whisk you oil, lemon and italian spices together. Pour over salad and stir until combined! Add salt & pepper to your liking. This is a light mild salad so you can kick up the flavor as much as you like! 

*Tips* For draining your pearl pasta you will want to use a VERY fine strainer! It is seriously some of the messiest pasta and trust me straining it and finding out all falling through into the sink isn't very fun. Now! Its time you learn my big downfall... I am not a huge fan of tomatoes. Raw ones that is. With that being said, sliced grape tomatoes would be delicious in this recipe. I have just rebelled and not added them to this recipe! Bulgar is a great alternative starch to use for this recipe as well! One thing you need to remember about my recipes is that I have simple recipes... Have fun with them! Be creative. Its what I love about cooking is my opportunity to be creative! Do so!

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