Friday, May 9, 2014

Easy Breakfast Casserole

Being a wife to an HEO at the power plant comes with early mornings leaving for work. Like a lot wives I am always wondering what to send with my man to get him through the day. FINALLY!  I have thought of the perfect solution and of course now I'm asking myself why didn't I think of this before?? Nevertheless, now I am a religious baker of this easy breakfast casserole. Or as I sometimes like to call it... The WORKING MAN'S BREAKFAST! (Or  working woman's of course... ) It is SO nice to have this ready to go for him to warm up when breakfast time rolls around at work. It is also nice to have baked up when I have a houseful of guests. I hope you give this a try. It will make packing the lunch box go a lot smoother or it will also make feeding a houseful of guests a breeze!! This casserole is great! Simple as that! 
                                         So turn your oven to 350 degrees and lets do this!

Did I mention there was cheese on it? Oh yes... 

   Easy Breakfast Casserole
  2 pounds cooked & crumbled breakfast sausage
                                                     Half of a purple onion / chopped                                                     
 1 Cup cheese
  1 Dozen eggs
  1/4 Cup milk
   1 Teaspoon salt
     1 Teaspoon pepper
        1/2 Teaspoon chili powder
        1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder

Set your oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 13x9 pan and pour crumbled sausage in the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle over chopped onion evenly over meat. In a large bowl whisk eggs, milk and spices together. Pour egg mixture over onions and meat. Sprinkle the cheese over everything and bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden and bubbly. 

What is AWESOME about this recipe is you can pretty much add anything you would desire in it. Hash browns, spinach, diced chilis, bacon, pretty much everything but the kitchen sink! This recipe has the basics but you can defiantly get creative and add whatever flavors you desire into this!

*For the working man I cut potions out and freeze them in sandwich bags and get the next day's breakfast out the night before*

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