About Doylenn

I'm an oilfield wife and stay at home homeschooling mom of two little beauties.  Harlee is 5 and Cheyenne is 3.  I like to craft, sew, make things, grow things, and I'm a self-proclaimed hot glue gunning machine, but I LOVE to get outdoors. Hunting, fishing, picnics, just being in the wild...bring it on.

My family lives in North Dakota and man is it cold up here! It's a good time to catch up on some housework and sock darning. It's a good time to craft and sew and make big plans for being outside all summer long.

You will see me post about just about anything. From the outdoors to indoors, fishing to painting, my desire to help orphans, homeschooling and girl scouts.  Sometimes I even find time to make dinner and post that too.

I'm trying to learn to be a more self sufficient person. I don't want to rely on the grocery store to survive. I'm also learning how to be a more healthy person.  And mostly, I just want to be happy and have a healthy and happy family.

Photo credit goes to Snow Capped Dreams photography and fellow honey badger Mia.

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