Friday, March 28, 2014

Homemade vanilla coffee creamer

My husband has decided to start drinking coffee in hopes that he will quit drinking so many energy drinks.  But he likes his coffee sweetened.  So do I, that's why I normally don't drink coffee. All the sugar first thing in the morning puts my blood sugar all whacked out all day long.  After I made this though I had to try some.  It's really easy to make too.  I saw the recipe on pinterest of course...where else do I get all my ideas?

1 can 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
14 oz whole milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
 Pour sweetened condensed milk, whole milk and vanilla into a container and shake it like mad.

Click here to print recipe.

This is way yummier than store bought!  I'm going to experiment with more flavors.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to clean a pack and play

Awhile back I saw a you tube video about how to clean your pack and play.  Okay, I'll file that idea away under 'things I don't need to know right now.'  My pack and play is NOT dirty.  I have had it almost 5 years and it still looks perfect. 


Seriously, almost 5 years?

In the tub it goes.  Fill it full of hot water and a half cup of homemade laundry soap and a half cup of Melamagic (cleaner by Melaleuca).  If I didn't have those cleaners, I would use a half cup of any all purpose cleaner and 2  cups of store bought laundry soap.  Let it soak for a couple of hours.  This is how dirty the water got from my 'not dirty' pack and play.

Pretty gross if you ask me.

After I pulled it out of the tub I set it on a towel to dry.  The brown spots on my towel where out of control gross.  So I put in back in the tub, same as before. The water was just as dirty AGAIN! After it was done soaking for the second time I took it outside and rinsed it with the hose til the water ran clear and then set it on a towel to dry. The towel stayed clean that time.

Next time, I'll just rinse it the first time.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello World, I'm Carol!

Hi,  Doylenn is my daughter and Mia is my son's wife, therefore, she's my daughter too.  I live on a ranch in beautiful southwest Colorado where we have beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and abundant wildlife.  My husband and I moved to his family ranch about a year ago and I'm actively involved in the ranch.    I grew up on a ranch miles from town and attended one of the last one room school houses in the United States, through 8th grade. I love to hunt, sew, read, craft and spend time with my family and friends.  I also love being Gramma to my two beautiful granddaughters, Harlee and Cheyenne.  I like to make things, proving that homemade is better than store bought.  I am learning about essential oils.  I like do it yourself projects and since we moved into a 100 year old house, hopefully that will be useful.  You'll be seeing before and after pics of our projects and upgrades.  I own a commercial embroidery business,  which I've had for 14 years now, but I prefer my ranch duties which include feeding cows and checking for new calves, plus all other cattle care when needed, caring for the chickens when my mother-in-law is away, plus irrigating and haying in the summer.  I'm loving using the new John Deere tractor that my mother-in-law dubbed Granny Green.  I'm anxious to share my projects and my life with you. 

This is a newborn calf less than 12 hours old.  Granddaughter Cheyenne named her Luna.

This is my husband Paul and our dog Clancy getting acquainted with a calf.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello World! I'm Mia!

Hi! I am stoked to be a part of Crafty Honey Badgers with two amazing women that I have the privilege to call my family! I can't wait to share parts of my life and adventures with you!

I'm A wife to a power plant worker but to my family a total woods junkie. My passion for the outdoors  consisting of photography, hunting, fishing and hiking are a constant pull in my day to day. When it comes to the home front though my love for cooking and crafting creativity passed down from my Gram & Mom keep me occupied.

You will see me post yummy recipes, fun crafts, photography tips, photoshop tips and share my passion for wildlife conservation groups that help preserve a great habitat for our wildlife to thrive in for future generations to see and hunt.

I hope you enjoy our blog as much as we enjoy sharing it with you!

Fall Photos from Owl Creek & Last Dollar Passes

Hello world! I'm Doylenn

I am so excited to be a part of this new blog.  I had a blog on my own but I quickly realized how much more fun it would be to have a blog with my mom and sister. (Okay, okay she is my sister in law but who has time for all those technicalities.)  So Crafty Honey Badgers we became.

I'm an oilfield wife and stay at home homeschooling mom of two little beauties.  Harlee is 5 and Cheyenne is 3.  I like to craft, sew, make things, grow things, and I'm a self-proclaimed hot glue gunning machine, but I LOVE to get outdoors. Hunting, fishing, picnics, just being in the wild...bring it on.

You will see me post about just about anything. From the outdoors to indoors, fishing to painting, my desire to help orphans, homeschooling and girl scouts.  Sometimes I even find time to make dinner and post that too.

Hopefully you will come to love this blog as much as I know I will, because this is going to be epic!

Photo credit goes to Snow Capped Dreams photography and fellow honey badger Mia.